Plants, flowers, bees, oh my. Pollinators are a huge part of your environment. Tons of critters like birds, moths, bees, wasps, hummingbirds, and butterflies pollinate your flowers. The list even includes small mammals, flies, beetles, and reptiles. The importance of pollinators, especially bees, goes way beyond flowers and honey.
According to UC Davis, bees have been here for 120 to 130 million years. With over 20,000 species they are hard to miss.
Now, bees are getting more attention than they ever have before.
Human air pollution, pesticides, and Africanized bees have painted a bleak future for these flying critters. But don’t worry – there’s still hope.
Truth bee told, not everyone has turned their back on bees. Companies like CZ Gifts sell 100% organic beeswax candles. They are hand-poured and sourced from a local beekeeper in Arizona. CZ Gifts supports bees in the best way possible and you can too.
What Bees Do for Us
Without these flying magicians, we’d live without so many necessities:
Bees help us in endless ways. They support our fruit, vegetable, seed, and clothing systems and aid in maintaining biodiversity, which allows wildlife to thrive.
All pollinators are important. Here you will find a closer look at the significance of bees.
Wildlife and Bees
Bees help support the structure, function, and diversity of ecosystems. They aid native trees and shrubs in producing food for local animals and sustain plant diversity by pollinating crops, cash crops, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers.
By sustaining all these plants, bees also serve various food webs and habitats. Trees are shelter for animals and insects. Flowers are food for other pollinators and herbivores. The benefits of bees don’t stop there.
Some large trees typically have flowers all year round so bees visit them often. Without bee pollination, large trees and other crops would not be able to reproduce and survive. Huge trees and cover crops also reduce soil erosion. The more cover over the soil, the less it will wash away in heavy rain, unexpected floods, or adverse weather conditions.
People rely on the pollination of plants from bees in endless ways. Honey is used in medicine, rituals, and diets. Honey has been used in medicine for many years. Some Native Americans celebrate bees during harvest because of their hard work and endless cooperation. Honey has been a natural sweeter for hundreds of years but has huge health benefits like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, antifungal and antibacterial characteristics. That’s a lot of anti’s!
We enjoy the beauty and benefits bees bring to this planet every day.
The aesthetics of trees, shrubs, and flowers are yet another free-bee. The shade of large trees, the beauty of landscaping plants, and the gorgeous color of wildflowers are all thanks to bees.
CZ Gifts also pays homage and gives thanks to bees by using one of the natural resources bees provide.
Bees Give Us Fruits, Veggies, and More
Have you had lunch yet? An apple or some broccoli today? If so, bee thankful!
Pollinators, particularly bees, play a crucial role in pollinating huge crops like almonds, coffee, and alfalfa. Almond milk products, coffee shops, and farmers depend deeply on bees to keep their businesses going.
Do you know that bees travel all over the United States? They pollinate cash crops like nuts, fruits, grains, etc. year round.
Millions of bee hives travel the country every year. From California almonds to New York apples, Michigan blueberries, sunflowers from the Dakotas, and Wisconsin cranberries. Bees travel a lot to keep humans happy by putting food on your plate.
Without bees, we would not have all the delicious fruits and vegetables we enjoy today. They aid pollination by jumping from bloom to bloom with pollen on their tiny leg hairs. Because they fly from flower to flower on the same plant, the pollen from their legs can fertilize the flower and eventually make more fruits and veggies.
Bees also hop from blossom to blossom on different plants of the same species which promotes cross-pollination. This magic can increase genetic diversity by naturally creating more resilient plants with tougher, better seeds.
Seeds From Bees
Bees pollinate flowers which plays a vital role in the production of seeds. Once the bee fertilizes a flower, the process of seed production starts. This ensures the next generation of plants will survive and thrive.
The better a seed comes out, the better the offspring it will produce. Bees help increase the number of seeds in each plant through their pollination process. Seeds pollinated by bees are more viable, stronger, and better equipped to adapt to our changing environment.
Better seeds means more food which means more food security. The more we support bees, the better. You can also thank people like Collette, who owns CZ Gifts, and helps support bees. How can you better support bees? CZ Gifts knows the answer.
No Bees? No Thank You!
If there were suddenly no more bees in the world, our lives would be drastically different and might ultimately affect our survival. Without bees, we would say goodbye to most fruits, vegetables, and cash crops like wheat and alfalfa, which would also affect the meat industry.
The planet would have far fewer flowers, trees, and shrubs if bees disappeared. Humans would also have far fewer cotton products like pillowcases, pants, furniture, cotton swabs, and so much more.
100% Beeswax
Beeswax is an incredible product. Besides the fact that it is naturally occurring, beeswax can clean the toxins from your air. These candles produce negative ions that act as cleansing agents. 100% beeswax candles produce little to no black smoke. They also won’t drip wax down the side like other candles. The best part? They are naturally honey-scented. So when you burn a beeswax candle you can expect your house to smell like honey.
Keep scrolling to learn how you can get your hands on one of these fragrant candles. You don’t have to scroll too far.
One in a Buzz-zillion
Bees and all pollinators play a significant role in your life and environment. They give you cotton, fruits, vegetables, seeds, beautiful flowers, and much more. You know how meaningful and important they are to the environment and your way of life. You can bee confident that you are doing your part to help keep bees around for many generations.
Bees also help sustainable businesses like CZ Gifts. By producing their natural wax, they allow Collette and other business owners to make a living.
Click here to sign up for honeyed emails and get access to coupons to help you buy your 100% organic beeswax candle from CZ Gifts and help support bees.